Monday, August 5, 2013

Finland's Secrets to Success (Again)

Thanks to Kim Otis, CEC Director, for sharing this really nice in-depth look at the Finnish model of a caring eocnomy from The Atlantic magazine:

The Secret to Finland's Success With Schools, Moms, Kids—and Everything

In addition to describing the huge benefits of the Finnish system for human well-being...which never fails to make me want to pack my bags... this article also takes a good critical look at the differences between the Finnish and American contexts - and offers an assessment of how we might still borrow from the Finns despite the huge structural and cultural differences between our countries.

And, here's an interesting graph from the article, showing the international differences in taxes as a share of GDP:

And, while we're on the subject - here's one more Finland article, by a Finnish Mom - which ends with this powerful line:
"It’s not always a question of resources, but how a country chooses to use them." 

Amazing how it always comes back to values and choices, doesn't it?

- Sara

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