He is helping me with providing PHD students to do some research for my first book Vital Women, Valuing our care and contribution in the economy, a personal development perspective. I am conducting an on line survey targeting 100 women in business with caring responsibilities in leadership positions to explore what they value and how business culture could be more caring! I plan to follow up with a few interviews with some high profile business women too! I intend with thier permission video these as bit size key points. Though this a whole new techy area for me to learn and up load on u tube!
My Vital Women social action enterprise is slowly taking shape, go to www.vitalwomen.biz for the current position. Big Love Karen O
Hi Karen - thank you so much for being our first alumni blogger to share your update from the UK! We look forward to hearing much more about the results of your survey! Also - if you haven't looked in the CL toolkit lately, you might want to download the new set of slides (Called "The Path to Real Prosperity" so you have them handy for the next Sociology professor you run into :) - Sara