Tuesday, May 15, 2012

News from Andre Cardoso

Andre Cardoso

The exceptional Andre Cardoso from Cohort E (Fall, 2011) writes:

Hi Sara,

I just attended a lecture by Joe Hall at a sustainability conference being held at my university in Sweden. He is the head of the campaign for Eradicating Ecocide. ...  I think that the campaign is very aligned with the Caring Economics Campaign's goal of recognizing the inherent value of the natural world.

Ecocide is defined as “the extensive destruction, damage to or loss of
ecosystem(s) of a given territory, whether by human agency or by other causes, to such an extent that peaceful enjoyment by the inhabitants of that territory has been severely diminished.” The campaign is to make ecocide a crime recognized by the International Criminal Court alongside crimes like genocide and crimes of aggression so that offenders can be tried and put to justice, and also so that corporations will have more incentive to take care of the environments where they are doing business. Here's the website for the campaign:

I'm also happy to report that Erin, the head of the club that helped arranged my Caring Economics Conversation last October, has arranged for Dr. Eisler to come and speak at the college in California that I attended. It's scheduled for next month.

Also, I'm attaching a picture of the new mural that the club will be putting on the Social Sciences building at the college. I'm happy to say that was instrumental in helping to get the project OK'd by the administration. I think the message of the mural really speaks to the idea of caring economics so I figured you might like to see it and pass it on to anyone else who might enjoy it.

Best regards,
Andre Cardoso

Thanks Andre for staying in touch and keeping us posted on these wonderful connections and activities!  - Sara

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